Weekly Updates for GG Friends 07.28
Top 10 Countries <07.21 - 07.28> 1. Malaysia 2. Gambia 3. Mexico 4. Guyana 5. Kenya 6. Rwanda 7. Sweden 8.…
Top 10 Countries <07.21 - 07.28> 1. Malaysia 2. Gambia 3. Mexico 4. Guyana 5. Kenya 6. Rwanda 7. Sweden 8.…
1. Gambia - Aisha 2. Gambia - Bintou 3. Gambia - Abdoulie
Congratulations to the finalists and to those who are striving to become finalists for the GG Summer School Ambassador…
Here is Brazilian Ambassador candidates for GG Summer School. Candidate - Alice
Here is Guyana Ambassador candidates for GG Summer School. Candidate - Randlen Austin (Randy)
Here are Togo Ambassador candidates for GG Summer School. 1. KEBALU Bright 2. GOEH-AKUE Jonathan
Here are the Malaysia Ambassador candidates for GG Summer School. Candidate 1 - Prazime Candidate 2 - Jay
My name is Prazime, and I am studying Marketing at Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology. Recently…
Top 10 Countries <07.14 - 07.21> 1. Gambia 2. Mexico 3. Kenya 4. Rwanda 5. Malaysia 6. Indonesia 7. Brazil 8. …
Here is the Madagascar Ambassador candidates for GG Summer School. Lova
Here is the Indonesia Ambassador candidates for GG Summer School. Naila - Candidate
Hai! My name is Naila Syafira from Jakarta, Indonesia. I live in South Jakarta and Im currently in my senior year at …
Here are Rwanda Ambassador candidates for GG Summer School.
Here are Gambia Ambassador candidates for GG Summer School. 1. Illara 2. Muhammed Lamin Sankareh 3. Bintou Jabbie
Here are UK Ambassador candidate for GG Summer School.
Here are Mexico Ambassador candidates for GG Summer School. Candidate 1. Reny Candidate 2. Luis
Here are Brunei Ambassador candidates for GG Summer School.
Here are Sweden Ambassador candidates for GG Summer School.
Mission Details Create a self-promotion video that is 3-5 minutes long. The video should be at least 3 minutes, but n…
Hello!!! My name is Gustav Morghult and this is my second blog post, but this time as a GG friend, yeah!!! If I’d intro…
Iam bexter Nthulula from Malawi 🇲🇼 My home town is Blantyre found in the southern region of Malawi. Iam Yao by tribe…
Hi, I’m Eliza Escossia from Brazil 🇧🇷 My hometown is Niterói. Niterói is a city in southeast Brazil, connected to R…
Hello, GG Friends. We are trying to do out best to invite more GG friends to Korea 2024/2025. Please prove your abil…
Hi i'm Vendula Lukesová from Czech republic🇨🇿 i live in Havlíčkův Brod, in Vysočina region. i was on the WSJ 23 …
Hi guys, my name is Josefína Lukesová, but everyone calls me Jája. I’m from Czech Republic 🇨🇿 from Havlíčkův Brod in…