Hi guys! My name is Jina Yoo, and I’m student of GINUE.
GINUE is national university of education in South Korea,
and this university is for primary school education. When
we graduate GINUE, we can be elementary school
teacher or education expert, academy teacher, etc.
Nowadays, I’m taking geography class in university.
This semester, I’m researching Barbados. However,
I’m having trouble because in South Korea,
there is little information about Barbados.
I’m really interested in Barbados culture and history.
Even though, I googled for a month, I only know that
Barbados was once colonized by Great Britain, and
Barbados is in South America. There isn’t any Barbados
embassy in South Korea.
When I searched google for Barbados traveling,
there was only information about hotels and beaches.
I really want to know Barbados.
If you have information about Barbados, please help me.
I’d love to know popular Barbados Youtube channel,
Instagram, friends. Thank you for reading my article.