Hi! My name is Jaeryun Ko. You can just call me J if you want. I’m 16, and I live in Yeongjong island, South Korea. Which is just next to Seoul. I have lived in this island for 12 years. Almost a master of this place.
I love watching football. I’m a Man City fan. So… Football is giving me headaches these days… Hope we get back on track soon! 💙CTID💙
My dream is to become a Doctor. Haven’t chose a profession yet… But I want to be a doctor who is very close with patients and can get rid of their worries.
I’m interested in Estonia! I first learned about Estonia by playing a computer game called Hearts of Iron. After learning about Estonia, I just fell in this country. The romantic northern Europe atmosphere, unique history, and especially the flag. I love those colors.
I’m also interested in Japan! I am deep into their culture. Especially Jpop. I’m listening to Vaundy’s songs these days. I also love Japan’s romantic movies and novels.
Thank you for reading my self introduction! Hope to chat with you guys soon :)