We had a book talk titled, AI Beyond Boundaries and Q&A session
with Professor Byoung-Tak Zhang, and it was truly an enriching experience!
Let me introduce Professor Byoung-Tak Zhang, a mentor of GG Summer School.
He is the Director of the AI Institute at Seoul National University (AIIS), POSCO Chair Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Seoul National University, and an adjunct professor in the Cognitive Science and Brain Science Interdisciplinary Program.
He has also served as a visiting professor at MIT’s AI Lab, Princeton’s Neuroscience Institute, and Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology. Professor Jang was the founding president of the AI Society of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE), director of the Cognitive Science Research Center at Seoul National University, president of the Korean Cognitive Science Society, and president of the Korean Society of Brain Engineering. He has been awarded the Order of Service Merit, Red Stripes!