We want to know about your country. Please leave a comment if you know the answer. Thank you.
1. The buildings built on the artificial island keep leaning, is it safe? https://ojsfile.ohmynews.com/STD_IMG_FILE/2020/0301/IE002609887_STD.jpg
2. Why did they make an artificial island? https://ojsfile.ohmynews.com/STD_IMG_FILE/2020/0301/IE002609882_STD.jpg
3. Why does the time of the dead vary depending on the age? https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.44a5c0e1f6063cc89855fd08cfbcf650?rik=XggcizTZZvZZ9g&riu=http%3a%2f%2fpostfiles8.naver.net%2fMjAxNjExMDFfMTIw%2fMDAxNDc3OTY4MTQyMDM2.vUTjoE2-LLoK107A_r-C8iqn_D-VXBc2lfjJx1bwA8wg.XPVQA9yB7_u1_3LnB2CcDRQFfd7KXoxnyeaGUziIbWEg.JPEG.sonic_yoo%2f%ec%a3%bd%ec%9d%80%ec%9e%90%ec%9d%98%eb%82%a07.jpg%3ftype%3dw2&ehk=uadgqdrMTbDm7KhR8%2fGeG6PxiYzBa9y0TOM7ti2a28w%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
GINUE(Gyeongin National University of Education) is the largest National University of Education in Korea.
Most GINUE students are supposed to teach elementary school students in the Gyeonggi and Incheon regions around Seoul. We, GINUE students, are very sorry that we lack knowledge and teaching materials about your country. So we decided to get some help from you to learn about your country. Would you kindly be our teacher?
1. The buildings built on the artificial island keep leaning, is it safe?
ReplyDeleteNo, it may be caused by structural issues that should definitely be checked to avoid the collapse of the building
2. Why did they make an artificial island?
Artificial islands are often created to expand urban space in densely populated areas, provide additional land for development, or serve specific purposes like tourism or transportation hubs.
3. Why does the time of the dead vary depending on the age?
The time of death can vary depending on factors like the individual's health condition, cause of death, and external circumstances, which may affect how quickly the body undergoes decomposition or other post-mortem changes.
This questions where really interesting ,I would love to get in contact with a Korean student to teach them about Mexico and maybe even get a new friend :} <33