In this captivating photo series, we catch a glimpse of the scout jamboree students as they venture into the heart of Korean culinary tradition at the Kimchi Experience Center in Buan, Jeonbuk, Korea. With eager smiles and curious eyes, they immerse themselves in the art of kimchi-making, from selecting the freshest vegetables to mastering the intricate process of fermentation. Through candid shots and close-ups, we witness the scouts chopping, seasoning, and mixing ingredients, their hands busy with the transformative magic of kimchi creation. The air is filled with the aroma of spicy peppers and tangy cabbage as these young adventurers delve into the cultural significance of kimchi, forging connections that transcend language and borders. In each frame, we see not just a group of students, but ambassadors of cultural exchange, embracing the rich tapestry of Korean cuisine with open minds and hungry hearts.
© Photographer, Lee Hyeongjoon